baby development

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What Kind of Soul are You?

You Are a Bright Star Soul

Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention
In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you
You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial
And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive

You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy
You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define
A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles.
Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul

Monday, January 30, 2006

Health Update 2

Well I had another visit with my endocrinologist today. He's really starting to grow on me. I didn't care for him much the first time I went to see him. Today was the third time and we had some really enjoyable conversation. He says that everything looks wonderful. My blood sugars are very good. They checked my hemoglobin A1c today and it was 4.4. For those of you who don't know much about diabetes, for a diabetic anything under 7 is considered good. He had me make an appointment for three months from now, which actually ended up being on my birthday. He told me though that he'd better see me between now and then because he wants to see me four weeks after I find out I'm pregnant. He said to let him know when we get some good news. He's turning out to be a really nice guy.

That means that all I have left before we can start trying to concieve again is to hear back from my OBGYN about some blood work I had done Friday. I should hear from them tomorrow about my progesterone levels. If all is good there then this baby making train is back on track!!

Wish us luck!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


So. . . Ben and I are watching the news a few days ago and see an advertisement for the Dallas Summer Musicals production of Phantom of the Opera. I've had the soundtrack to the stage production for years and have always loved the story and the music. I got Ben hooked on my sound track quite a while back and we both enjoyed the movie that came out recently. So, even though Dallas is not exactly convenient to where we live it's not out of day trip range, I was very excited about the news.

Well believe it or not, I actually didn't think about it for a few days. Yesterday morning at work I remembered and looked it up on the net. I saw that tickets were pretty expensive but also saw that the dates were pretty close to my birthday. So, I send Ben this e-mail with the link to the site.

"Do you think we might be able to go? Maybe as an early birthday for me?I'd really LOVE to go. I figured you'd want to go too! Love you!"

He didn't go into work yesterday because he was at a funeral and I accomplished not to break down last night and beg. So, I kept my mouth shut and figured he'd read the e-mail today. Well, I got to work today and got busy with kids and teaching and stuff and didn't really think about it much. I get back from lunch and I've got this e-mail. . .

"I'll see what we can do, like maybe going on April the 15th at 2pm and sitting in Section F, Row HH, seats 1 and 2. "

It was a good thing I already had students coming in my room when I read this or people all over the school would have heard me screaming and jumping up and down. Since I had kiddos I managed to contain myself.

I mean seriously, do I have the coolest husband or what? Not only did he get us tickets, he got us GOOD tickets. What a man!! I mean honestly, most women couldn't drag their husbands to a musical. Mine bought me tickets! Geez, I'm so lucky.

So now the only question that remains is. . . "Is it April 15th yet???"

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Good food, good day, good dogs. . .

Well, the previously mentioned funk seems to have disappeared. This is due mostly, I believe, to some quality time spent with the hubby. We went out to dinner together Thursday evening, then went to Target then to PetSmart. After doing a little shopping we came home and enjoyed the rest of our evening together. It was really nice.

This morning we got up and drove two hours to Abilene to pick up my deer from the processor. On our way we stopped and had a really nice visit with my Grandparents (Hi Granny and Gramps!). Then we went and picked up the meat and headed back toward home. We got home, put the meat in the freezer and left again to head to Ft. Worth so Ben could go to Cheaper Than Dirt! to buy some new really neat ammunition for his deer rifle.

After leaving there we went to Academy so that Ben could use a gift card that he got for Christmas. He decided on a gun cleaning kit. We got that and headed home.

Once we got home, I was itching to eat some of my deer. So, I cooked some chicken fried venison steaks, mashed potatoes, gravy (from scratch), and corn on the cob. Oh my! It was so very yummy. So, I've had a really wonderful day spent with my hubby, visiting my grandparents, doing a little shopping and eating a fantastic meal. Now we've let the dogs in and we're both so full we can't do anything but veg.

Speaking of the dogs, here are a few cute pictures of our "puppers" as we like to call them.

Here is my 62 pound Liberty (Libby) trying to be a lap dog. She's such a sweetheart!

This is Justice, (we call him Bubba more often than not) and I'm pretty sure he's surfing the net. I hope he's not looking at racy doggie pictures!!! I guess his daddy and I should spend a little more time with him and a little less time on our computers. Poor boy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

In a funk. . .

I just don't know what my deal is lately. I'm in a perfectly fine mood all day while I'm at work and then I get home and I'm feeling all sad/mad/moody-ish. What is up with that? I mean if I MUST be in this kind of mood I'd much rather be in it when I'm at work than when I'm at home with my hubby and my sweet puppers and my kitties. Anyway . . . hoping this passes soon.

I'm also stuck in a conundrum that I must figure out by Friday. Next month is the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) convention in San Antonio. Last year was my first time to go and I went with the high school band director from my district. He and I were pretty good friends and since it was my first time to go he was nice enough to be my TMEA tour guide.

We have a new band director this year who I really like but who I haven't had a chance to get to know very well and who is taking his family with him to San Antonio. Thus leaving me spending four days in San Antonio by myself. I am definitely NOT wild about this.

I had asked my friend J to go with me but she has a professional convention to attend during those days also. My hubby is going to be super busy at work starting next month so he can't go with me. My Mom has used all of her days at work on doctor visits so I don't feel right about asking her to go with me. I wouldn't ask any of my other friends because all though they'd have a free ride and a free hotel, they'd have to pay for their own meals and entertain themselves all during the day while I was in workshops.

So the question is . . . Am I going to be a big ol' weenie and not go to San Antonio because I'm afraid to go to the big city by myself? OR Am I going to suck it up and make the trip? I have to decide by Friday because that is when pre-registation for the convention begins. I'll let you know Friday what decision I make. Man I hate making decisions.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

What a wonderful Sunady.

Today Ben and I went to Cabela's in Fort Worth because both Ben and my Dad had recieved free $10 gift cards from them during the holidays and Dad had gotten a gift card for a Christmas gift. Ever since my adventure as a great white hunter Ben has been itching to make sure I'm completly outfitted for hunting. After looking at lots of camo clothes and several rifles for deer hunting, we left with a $10 duffle bag paid for completley by the free gift card. Anyway, it was lots of fun for me to be at Cabela's and actually enjoy looking at all of that kind of stuff for me. I enjoyed it lots more than watching Ben and Dad look at all that stuff and not understanding why they found it so exciting. We were there just about all day. It's really nice to get to spend the day with my parents and my husband and have everyone have such a good time together. Gee, I'm a lucky girl!

Monday, January 02, 2006

The All American Quiz

I thought this was kind of cute!

You Are 50% "Average American"

You are average because you've known your best friend for at least ten years.

You are not average since you have (at least) a college degree.

Health Update

Well I went for my final visit to the Diabetes Education Center today. I learned...well...not much that I didn't already know. My blood sugars are really good and the nurse at the center said I was doing a fantastic job. I will see my endocrinologist again in a few weeks and if he gives the okay then we will once again be attemting to make an addition to our family. Wish us luck!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I'm a Deer Hunter!

Over my holiday break from work (gee being a school teacher is great), I begrudgingly joined my hubby on a trip to the deer lease with my dad, my brother, and various and assorted other men. I told my hubby that I would go out to the blind with him but I doubted I would shoot anything. On the first hunt on Wednesday evening we didn't see any deer but got to sit in the blind and watch a covey of quails feed on the corn from the feeder. No hunting but lots of fun all the same. The next morning by some miracle I was up, out of bed, eaten breakfast, bundled up in lots of warm clothes and ready to go to the blind around 6:30 am. We decided to hunt a different blind that morning. Eight deer had already been killed from that blind this season. So we went, we hiked a huge mountain (really just a small hill but at 6:30 in the morning in the freezing cold it could have been Mt. Everest for all I knew) and settled shivering into the blind. We watched and whispered for about an hour when my husband says "There's one. Look at the feeder." I look over and see a deer eating corn around the feeder. My husband is looking at the deer through binoculars and says "It's a buck." I suddenly lost all of my apprehension about killing a deer. He handed me the rifle and the binoculars. I found him in the binoculars and watched and waited until I could get a good shot. Finally after watching him for about 5 minutes he turned just the right way and I looked through the scope and squeezed the trigger. He jumped and ran. I looked at my hubby and said "I missed." He said "No, I think you hit him." We waited about an hour and then went down to trail him. We followed a blood trail right to where he laid dead. It was a perfect shot penetrating both lungs and the heart. He died almost instantly. It was very exhilerating and lots and lots of fun. He turned out to be a 5 point and field dressed at 84 pounds. I'm thinking I'll be doing some more deer hunting in the future!