baby development

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Please don't give up on me

No, I haven't left the blogging world forever, it's just become very low in terms of importance in my daily life. Combining work and being a mom, while challenging, has become somewhat routine. However, there are some things that have had to suffer because of it. These things include laundry, dusting, attention for the dogs, correspondence with friends and family, and as you've noticed blogging.

Don't take this to mean that I don't have wonderful amazing things to share about my son. He's becoming more and more fun by the day. While he's not yet crawling, he scoots with amazing speed. We are definitely entering the "no William" stage. He dosen't quite understand what that means yet, but we're working on it.

He's eating baby food and learning to drink water and juice from a sippy cup. Both of these actions provide us with much amusement, especially since eating baby food has corresponded with his learning how to "motor boat" with his tongue. This often results in green baby mush flying everywhere. William gets quite a few giggles out of watching Ben or I duck, turn our heads, and squeeze our eyes closed when he does this.

William is a talker. Of course, there are no words to speak of, but there is constant sound coming from this boy. Oohing, aahing, screaching, and babbling. Thankfully, not much crying. He is such a good boy. It's not at all uncommon for us to go a whole day with out a single tear. His biggest point of contention is going to sleep. It doesn't matter if it's nap time or bed time, sometimes he just decides he does not want to sleep. Flailing arms, kicking legs, tears and screaming ensue. So far, the parents have always come out the victors in this battle. However, there are many battles yet to come.

Also, since I last blogged, my 32nd birthday and my first mother's day have come and gone. I must say, I enjoyed mother's day much more than my birthday. I'm getting to that age that birthdays just remind me of how fast my life is flying by and how I really wish I could make it all slow down so I could enjoy it more. Especially now that we have William. Mother's day was a ball. I scrapbooked a 6X6 board book for my Mom and William gave her a plant. William (via grandma) got me a sweet card and twenty bucks. Ben (via several reminders) got me a sweet card and twenty bucks. This was in addition to cash from my folks, my in-laws, and Ben for my birthday. So, with scrapbooking money in hand, I'm a happy girl.

Finally, one week of school left. And due to various activities, I only have 4 days actually left in the classroom. Hooray!! So, the end is drawing very near and I can't wait to spend my summer with William. It's going to go by faster than any summer I've ever had before I'm sure, but, oh well, atleast I've got it and can enjoy it while it lasts.


Blogger snarflemarfle said...

Look at that happy boy!

5:08 AM  

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