baby development

Friday, February 10, 2006

Babies, babies, everywhere!

I think I've hit the baby jackpot. No, not my own. Not yet. One of my best friends, snarflemarfle, is going to be induced in the morning. I have a good friend at work who is 7+ months pregnant and already showing signs of starting to domino. My close co-worker and his wife just had a baby less than a month ago. And, I've just learned that one of my cousins is also expecting again. With all of these baby vibes around I'm sure to be pregnant myself ASAP right?

I told several of you who read my blog about the trouble my co-worker and his wife have had since their baby boy has been born. They recently learned that he has three small holes in his heart. When they learned this they were referred to a neo-natal cardiologist who refused to see them because they did not have any insurance. With the help of some friends they were able to contact the right people and get emergency qualified for Medicaid for their baby. They have since seen the cardiologist who tells them the holes will probably repair themselves, making surgery unnecessary. We are all praying for that outcome.

I absolutely can not wait to get the call tomorrow that snarflemarfle has had her baby. She and her husband TC decided not to learn the baby's sex. I'm really excited to find out if she has a boy or a girl and what they decide to name it. (They've been keeping that information secret.) Even though snarflemarfle and I are not related by blood, I get to become an auntie tomorrow for the sixth time. It's very exciting.

I'm telling you, they say sometimes pregnancy is "in the water". If that's the case you should be expecting news from hubby and I any day. All of this baby stuff is bound to rub off. Right?


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