Friends, presents, and fun!
Saturday, my good friend "J" gave me a wonderful baby shower. She did an awesome job of putting the whole thing together. It was held at a local restaurant and I had lots and lots of friends and family that attended. Getting great gifts and eating yummy food was fun but having so many of my friends and family together was even better. There was even a surprise visit by our friend "B". So, thanks "J" for the wonderful baby shower. It's great to have such wonderful friends! And thanks also to everyone who came, and everyone who sent gifts. It was a wonderful shower and baby boy will have lots and lots of neat things when he gets here. The Cake
The Party Room
Getting lots of great presents for baby boy.
Friends and family.
Following the shower J and B came over to the house and we spent a great afternoon and evening hanging out with hubby and oohing and aahhhing over cute, cute baby things. Hubby was sweet enough to take the three of us to dinner and a fabulous time was had by all.
The Party Room
Getting lots of great presents for baby boy.
Friends and family.
Following the shower J and B came over to the house and we spent a great afternoon and evening hanging out with hubby and oohing and aahhhing over cute, cute baby things. Hubby was sweet enough to take the three of us to dinner and a fabulous time was had by all.
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